Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jammin' Our Way into June: Collaborating with MusicCorps on Future Service Porject

Billy Joel once said," I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music."

Who is a better candidate for the healing power of music than someone facing homeless or poverty? However, those in such precarious situation often do not have access to music, whether in the form of musical instruments, or the radio. 

This is where the collaboration of the AmeriCorps Partnership to End Homelessness and MusicCorps comes in. 

And what better way is there to unite two unique organizations with distinct missions than under the umbrella of a joint service project

As we pulled into the parking lot of the North Carolina School of the Arts, I was immediately flooded with  beautiful campus scenery, boasting impressive sculptures, an array of magnificently blooming plant life, and a unique student body of talented, creative, and interesting individuals. 
As we entered the large conference room where our meeting was to be held, we were greeted warmly by the friendly director and members of Music Corps. 

Everyone I know dreads ice breaker games. Having to nervously shake the sweaty palms of people you don't know while fumbling to make some kind of connection through tedious small talk can make even the most socially savvy among us cringe. However, our ice breaker was not only painless, but extremely fun!
Though we come from serving vastly different missions, and our backgrounds seem more diverse than the United Nations, I found myself connecting easily and effortlessly with the members of MusicCorps. 
After getting to know each other through bonding on 3 commonalities and forming a line based on our birthdays, we, to our great delight, were greeted with the sight of pizza that was delivered for lunch.


While eating what could have easily been the best slice of my life, I continued getting to know fellow AmeriCorps members serving in the vastly different branch of service than ours: MusicCorps. Our assignment was to sit with someone new, rather than the same members of our organization, and I learned more about what the various members of MusicCorps do on a daily basis. Their work sounded involved as well as very rewarding and fun. For an organization which hasn't even celebrated its first birthday yet, MusicCorps were nothing less of organized and professional.

 After the pizza lunch, we met back in the conference room and were randomly broken up into teams consisting of members of both organization, and were tasked with the mission of brainstorming ideas for the group service project, as well as planning the logistics of carrying out each hypothetical event. After about 20 minutes, we met back in the large room to share our ideas. We then repeated the process with a new set of group members. 

I was very impressed with the members' ability to not only come up with impressive service ideas, but also with their ability to listen to our ideas. Together, we decided that music and homelessness is not only a possible combination for the group project, but also a necessary one. So many of our clients are the denied the enriching opportunities music provides. Some of the resonating ideas concentrated around homeless children, considering music is vital to child development and the fact that many homeless children tend to go unnoticed by "the system" and slip through the cracks.

 The several potential project proposals included: holding a performance at a park and setting up resource information centers both homeless and housed individuals could find beneficial, developing a music corner at a local homeless day center, providing a fun retreat day, which would include music, face-painting, and other activities for homeless individuals, concentrating on homeless youth, at a park, and finally, holding a musical day camp where children would be able to create their own instruments through recycled materials, learn to play them, and perform in a group talent show.


Before adjourning, each organization chose several members to act as group leaders for the project and were tasked with email correspondence to collaborate on finalizing the project. 

Up to date, over 30 emails have already been exchanged by the group. The tentative date for the project has been set for June 30th, with the activity involving a combination of a retreat day in the park as well as handing out as resources. 

Personally, I am extremely excited to be working with such a fun and diverse group of musicians passionate about their service as well as their ability to improve lives and provide meaningful human connections through man's greatest common denominator: art, specifically the art of music.


By: Lana Skrypnyk 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Talent Show at the IRC

Melea Lail soulfully belted out “I’m forever yours ever yours faithfully…” at the end of the Interactive Resource Center’s (IRC) Talent Show on April 4th. Every audience members’ eyes were transfixed on Lail, a talented singer and poet with a strong set of pipes. Journey’s timeless lyrics—delivered with such gusto by Lail—served as a fitting ending to the night’s performances.

Lail’s enthusiasm in singing “Faithfully” exemplified the sincerity shown by all the performers involved in the event. She committed wholeheartedly to performing “Faithfully,” including practicing at the Talent Show’s sound check, but most of the night’s performers showed a similar level of commitment. Chris Ward, essayist and special effects makeup artist, sat throughout the afternoon and evening completing gruesome makeup jobs on volunteer models. Kris Schumacher, poet and artist in Artifacts Cooperative, arrived at 8 am the morning of the Talent Show to perfect her drawings and paintings for sale at the event.

The types of talents performed were as diverse as the performers who showcased them. These talents included singing, dancing, comedy, visual arts, poetry, personal narratives, and even Chris’ special effects makeup. Performers ranged in age from teenagers to seniors and came from a variety of different backgrounds. Many of these performers were recruited or encouraged during various enrichment programs offered at the IRC and other community organizations. The IRC offers an open arts studio (Art Corner), artist’s cooperative (Artifacts), creative writing programs (Write-On Greensboro; Storyscapes), a street newspaper dealing with issues of homelessness (The Greensboro Voice), and other programs. People who are homeless are not just in need of shelter, food, clothing, and financial assistance. When you lose your home, you may also lose your sense of community. Community can provide inspiration, creativity, and a supportive space to foster your artistic talents. The IRC and other organizations strive to meet these therapeutic and enrichment needs for the people we serve.

It was important to the performers and to members of the Talent Show Committee that the event wasn’t promoted just as showcasing performers experiencing homeless—many artists at the IRC and other agencies do not want their artwork or talents to be defined by homelessness. Several artists have expressed distaste for terms such as “homeless artist” or “homeless person” as these labels box them in according to their housing situation rather than their art. Therefore, the Talent Show Committee recruited a diversity of performers, including Americorps members and their families, and used the event to promote awareness of local organizations fighting to end homelessness. An Americorps Partnership to End Homelessness member serving at each affiliated organization spoke about their mission statement and services during breaks between performers.

Americorps members, IRC staff and volunteers, and clients of our affiliated organizations came out in force to attend the show and to help out behind the scenes. Whatever the event at the IRC—be it Talent Show, movie screening, dinner or funding meeting—volunteers and staff are always available to help out with setup, decoration, and take down. Part of the magic behind events like the Talent Show is this sense of community that they foster. An integral part of the show was the collaborative nature of the planning process—we met continually as a Talent Show Committee and every performer decided what they would present and when they would appear in the lineup. Some performers helped each other prepare for the show and/or performed duets. One look at the audience during the Talent Show also reveals this sense of community. Audience members of different ages, ethnic backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, and housing situations sat side by side—moved by Lail’s singing or scared by Ward’s special effects. Artistic events like the Talent Show offer a universal language—be it music, visual arts, or poetry—that can bind these audience members into a cohesive community.

Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Services

The second annual Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Service was quite the success, especially here in Greensboro. Many people don't even know this day exists but it wont be that way much longer- our mayor, Nancy Vaughn, declared April 1st the official Day of Recognition for National Service in Greensboro, North Carolina. The day is put aside for the community to appreciate National Service around the nation, making our country an even better place to live. 

Mayor Vaughan and AmeriCorps member, Lana

AmeriCorps and Seniorcorps members met at UNC Greensboro to be recognized for the impact they're making daily, and to share their own experiences with other members and the community. One of our own members, Lana Skrypnyk, spoke on Americorps Partnership to End Homelessness on our behalf and did an amazing job- even throwing in her recent acceptance to UNCG's graduate school. 

AmeriCorps member Lana Skrypnyk
The introduction of Mayor Vaughn was incredibly impressive- she's been more than involved in Greensboro before she was elected mayor. Mayors around the country used this day to point out the importance of national service and the role it plays in local communities to the people in the community and national policy makers. The fact that our mayor chose to participate in this day of recognition (it isn't something any mayor HAS to do, our mayor last year didn't attend) says how much she actually appreciates the service we, as a people are doing. Mayors use national service to solve local challenges, while engaging citizens to participate and volunteer in their own community and coming from someone who has actually done those things means much more. Mayor Vaughn joked that we kept clapping for her when in reality we were the ones deserving to be clapped for and thats what this day was about- thanking us for what we do. 

It was empowering to me that although we did have different communities we focused our service on, no one is less important than another. The fact that there are people of all ages, races, political backgrounds, and cultures brought together by the want to make our city a better place to live means more to be apart of an organization like this than I ever thought it could. 

AmeriCorps members Amber, Connie, Malisha, Lana, and Chianti

Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Service was more than just getting recognized for what we do, it was being able to share and listen to what other groups do in our community and how even though each program is different, we all have the common goal of bettering our city. 

"The AmeriCorps Partnership to End Homelessness program provided me with a unique opportunity to interact directly with the homeless population, which has been a life-changing experience for me. It has allowed me to interact personally with those experiencing homelessness and, upon hearing their stories, I've learned that the stereotypes about homeless people are untrue, and I now see them as the unique, hardworking and passionate individuals that they are. As a Ukrainian immigrant, the program allows me practice my United States citizenship and give back to the country that has given me so much. Through this experience, I have found my passion for public service and will be attending UNCG's MPA program in the fall in order to learn how to better serve the public in the future and advocate on behalf of those who cannot advocate on behalf of themselves." -Member Lana speaking during the event

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bingo Night Service Project

March's service project was wonderful. The committee planned to host a pizza and bingo night for the veterans at The Servant Center, getting together on a Saturday evening to share in food and laughter. Before the game or food got started, we all had the opportunity to spend time talking with some of the veterans about their stories and their experiences at the Servant Center and in the community.

Fellow AmeriCorps member David and I spent some time speaking with a hilarious and insightful man who had been staying there for about three months. He talked about his journey into homelessness which was filled with unfortunate circumstances, tough decisions, and a lot of pure bad luck. He told us about the struggle it was to go into a facility like the Servant Center-- how even though he was incredibly grateful for the center's employees and everything they do he wanted nothing more than to not have to be there at all. And he told us of his future plans, what motivated him and kept him excited about the future.


Then he told us something that is sure to stick with me for quite some time. He said, "You all are very fortunate to be given the opportunity to care for other people."

I think when you do service, there's an expectation of some level of gratitude. At some point people thank you for what you did or for your service attitude or for doing AmeriCorps at all. But this wonderful man was quick to remind us that there are so many things we can be grateful for. How the simple act of service is remarkable for both parties. The rest of the night was full of joking and laughter and lots and lots of M&Ms, sharing stories and food and a good time. I hope this great guy had fun at our bingo night, but this was one of the times I walked away feeling like I had been the one experiencing service, not serving.  
